In fact, who wouldn’t like it?
One of those boring, really dull, pushing, and annoying.
The kind who don’t prepare for the meetings. Who don’t even bother to visit the company’s website?
Or who parachute into meetings with customers and ask:
“By the way, what does Your company do?”.
It makes you want to answer:
“It doesn’t do anything. We buy everything already done!”.
Those who luckily got a meeting with a very important client (you were probably distracted) and threw it all away by thinking:
“Well, let’s go there with our chests open, and we’ll see what to do!”.
Funny how this attitude still exists in sales today.
You would think that with so much access to the meeting, they would take the trouble to prepare minimally for the … [ Read the rest » ] “Would you like to receive a distasteful salesman?”